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Adult Book Bio:

Renee Hand is a maverick in writing suspenseful mysteries and romances and she has many published works and accolades. She takes her readers on journeys woven with just the right amount of mystery, history and enduring love, giving them stories that change their lives and hearts forever.

Children's Book Bio

Renee Hand is a requested speaker on the topic of using fun fiction to teach science, geography and history. Let her show librarians, educators, and parents how using her books can challenge readers and the way they think about problems in real life. She creates high interest topics that suck the reader into her stories encouraging them into wanting to know more about the settings, science, history, culture and people. Skills like reading comprehension, reasoning, deduction and observation come together in a myriad of ways.

In her Crypto-Caper Series, children get to solve puzzles and cryptograms that are woven strategically in the story for the reader to find and solve inside of the books. Each book provides the reader with what they will need to solve the case, providing them with the knowledge and new skills that will help them succeed. Each book is different and exciting with new challenges to keep the reader interested.

In her Joe-Joe Nut Series, Renee expertly combines the love of a good mystery with science using the topics of animal tracks, rocks and minerals, as well as weathering, erosion, and art. These books can supplement a curriculum in any classroom. The books also contains extra information like experiments, terminology of the topic, charts, and much more. All books are interactive and fun. They also satisfy the national standards of science in their areas.

What Would You Do If You Were Left At The Zoo? is about a child's visit to the zoo and his desire to study the animals. The child wants to become a zookeeper when he grows up. This book is great for those end of the school year zoo visits. Renee incorporates activities to do before and after the reader goes to the zoo.

Renee is a maverick in writing children's interactive mysteries, combining educational elements while teaching children to believe in themselves and providing confidence to handle life's challenges. Contact her today to participate in your event.  

This is the official website for award-winning USA children's author, Renee Hand, devoted to writing; and whose goals are to entertain and build a connection with her readers. The books are educational, unique and interactive mysteries. Start reading with your children today.

Check out my Holiday Promotions page to get a free copy of one of my books for the holidays.

The Crypto-Capers Series as well as the Joe-Joe Nut Series is a group of books that challenge and interest readers by involving them into the stories, encouraging the reader to learn about various educational topics. 

News and Updates

New Storytelling Card Game Is Released! Order Now!

Creative Storytelling is a fun and imaginative game for children 5yrs old to adults. Each card holds the key to unlock a hilarious story that children will be able to build on and modify as they go. Hours of fun and great entertainment for all.

I now have a new radio show for children's authors. It is called Stories From Unknown Authors. This is a national radio program I am the host of that will help unknown author's become known. I have guests signing up daily to be on the show and have a variety of different authors. If you are interested in being on the show, please check out the show at and follow it if you would like. You can contact me at to schedule an interview and book review. I look forward to working with you.

I have completed various blog tours over the past few months for Mineral Mischief. Check out the page Author Blog Tours for more info on some of the stops.

I am also an Amazon Best Selling Author and have been #2 in sales at certain Barnes and Nobles Booksellers.

All books are available in paperbook everywhere or e-book form through Kindle. Joe-Joe Nut book 3 is currently available for .99 cents for anyone who wishes to try the series out on Kindle or on their computer. Books are at a special price through my website where I can sign them and send them out to readers.

Cryptograms and The Crypto-Caper Series. What is it about?

In my Crypto-Capers series the reader helps solve the case by solving cryptograms and puzzles, so the reader is actually apart of the story, which makes this series interactive and so much fun to do. What is a cryptogram? I am glad you asked. A cryptogram is a message written in code.

G     T    K   K       C      S        O  G        A    P   D   G     P   M        M  T  U

Z   V   C   U      O  D         O  G          G    Q    C    U    D            Z  O  D  V

D  V  C         P  U  C  G           H  P  T            A  P  J  C.

A cipher key is a way to decode the message.

All the reader has to do is look at the bottom row of the cipher key, not the top, and fill it in. The first letter is G. Look on the bottom row for G. Above it is the letter S, write it in and there you go. This is called a substitution cipher. I use this type of cipher throughout all of my books in the Crypto-Capers Series. The answer to the following cryptogram is below.

S   U   M   M   E   R   I   S   L   O   T   S   O   F   F   U   N

G   T   K    K   C   S   O  G   A   P   D   G  P   M   M  T   U

W  H   E    N         I    T     I    S      S   P    E  N   T    W  I   T  H

Z    V   C   U         O  D    O   G     G   Q   C  U   D    Z  O  D  V


T  H  E          O  N  E  S       Y  O  U      L  O  V  E.

D  V  C          P  U  C  G      H   P  T      A  P  J  C.

Pretty easy, yes? Book 1 of the series, The Case of the Missing Sock, is the easiest because it gives the reader everything they need to succeed. They will find the various cryptograms, they will find the cipher key to use, all that needs to be done is to fill it in by the reader.

I always suggest that on a seperate piece of paper to write everything down, that way the reader won't have to flip back through the book and the book can be saved to do again. Though I leave room in the book to write in, I suggest writing it down instead.

And that's it. Now, each book in the series is more challenging for the reader. The reading level stands at about a 4th grade level and up into middle school. Ideal for that 5th and 6th grader. The Lexile level of these books range from around 700-850.

The puzzles in each book after book 1 will become more challenging, more that the reader needs to do. Lots of children love this. All the books are history and science based, so they all have educational value. Children will learn so much about various places. The settings are also real which can enhance the reading experience when visited. Hopefully this helps children and parents understand what The Crypto-Capers Series is all about.

More examples of the puzzles will be given for each book on their own pages. Thank you!


I am busy going into various schools discussing all of my children's books. I am also running a writer's workshop for various schools as well. This program is guaranteed to improve test scores and is highly requested.

If you are looking for an author to come into your classrooms, please ask me. I travel all over the U.S. discussing my award-winning books. I look forward to hearing from you. I am currently booking school/library visits, as well as conferences for Spring of 2018 through Fall of 2019. Please e-mail me at for more information. Visit my Author's Visit page. I would love to come to your school!

I was on the Best People We Know Show which has over 23, 000 listeners. Check out my radio show of using fun fiction to teach science and for some inspirational talk to help other parents and writer's. 

Listen to internet radio with Best People We Know on Blog Talk Radio

Book 6 in the Crypto-Capers Series-The Circus for Hire.

Make video montages at


Book is available through Barnes and Nobles, Amazon, and of course, through my on-line store.


Miranda Mayne, the daughter of a notorious pirate, spent most of her life in the hustle and bustle of London society, though her true love was always the sea. Promising her father she will stay away from the life that killed her mother, Miranda accepts the marriage proposal of a man she thinks she can trust--only to discover that his true intentions are to secretly capture her father. Trapped between loyalty and deceit, Miranda's heart falls prey for her true match only to find that he is out of her reach. Will she lose everything she holds dear or can she save her father, find true love, and most of all...find herself before reality prevails?

I also have a new blog. Please check it out at

On this blog I will be reviewing children's books and interviewing author's as well as updating info about The Crypto-Capers Series and having various contests that work on reading comprehension. My Crypto-Capers Series is filled with puzzles and cryptograms for the reader to solve, and is filled with suspense. The blog on this site is filled with literacy games and will be mostly for my author events, contests and updates. Please check both out. I have tons of things that I am doing.

Send children's book review information to

Check out my video on YouTube for The Case of the Missing Sock!

Check out my new video for The Legend of the Golden Monkey  

You can also check me out on facebook and twitter !

Click on the books that you would like to see and enjoy!

The Joe-Joe Nut Adventure Series for Children

All Science Based Interactive Mysteries

2nd -5th grades

Meets National Standards of Science!

Case #3: The Secret of the Missing Arch

Weathering, erosion, art, and Arches National Park

Case #2: Mineral Mischief

Rocks and Minerals

Case #1: The Great Pie Catastrophe

Animal Tracks

The Crypto-Capers Series for Children:

Puzzle Solving History Based

Interactive Mysteries

4th grades and up into middle school

Book 6-The Mystery of the Circus For Hire

Book 5 The Peacock Diaries

Book 4 The Chest of Mystery

Book 3 The Legend of the Golden Monkey

Book 1 The Case of the Missing Sock

Picture Books

What Would You Do If You Were Left At The Zoo?

Romance Novels for Adults:

Magic Hearts

Seduction of the Lonely Hear

Do You Have Ants In Your Pants That Make You Dance?



I am so excited for my new release. I have a new coloring and activity storybook for 1st grade and up called Do You Have Ants In Your Pants That Make You Dance? This is a cute story with fun rhyme and repetition that children will find inspiring. There are also mazes, crosswords and other puzzles to entertain along with the story. Books can be ordered through my website.


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Renee Hand's Mystery Books

children's mystery series, educational books, award-winning author, award-winning books, mammals, mysteries, detectives, rocks and minerals, animal tracks, science books satisfies national standards requirement for science, interactive mysteries, chapter books for middle school, chapter books for elementary, ciphers, cryptograms, puzzles, deduction, USA children chapter book, book entertainer, USA award-winning author, USA chapter books for middle school, USA chapter books for elementary

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